How To Create A Focal Point

Ever walked into a room and felt underwhelmed and unable to settle your eyes on anything in particular? That room lacked a focal point.  

Focal points are very important in interior design as it is the spot that immediately draws your eye and sets the tone for the room. The focal point will be the starting point for then adding other elements that cohesively exist in the space and make it inviting. 

Focal points don't have to be big or architectural. You can easily create them by highlighting existing elements like a fireplace or big window, or by adding an interesting decorative piece to a room - like a big piece of art, a gallery wall, or a bookcase. A barn board or shiplap wall could be a focal point in a room. Distinctive lighting in a kitchen over a central island makes a great focal point. You could even create a temporary focal point by adding a vase with big branches or tall flowers. 

Here are some ideas. Click on photos for sources. 

How to create a focal Point


Creating a focal point in your home


How to create a focal point


Focal point in rooms

Ballard Designs

What’s a focal point

Decor Aid

How to create a focal point


How to create a focal point

blackband design

Lux Decor

Dining room focal point

House Beautiful

Living room focal points

blackband design

Bedroom focal points

Sacramento Street

Creating a focal point as a minimalist


So, do you already have a great focal point in your rooms? Hope these have inspired you to make yours stand out.

Get started on designing a calm and simple home that will provide an oasis from the rushed world we live in

Kelly Anderson
A re-designer focused on natural, sustainable and holistic design.

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