Your home environment is hugely important for your health and happiness. Make it meaningful and beautiful - simply and naturally!
Design and decorate a natural and sustainable home oasis - sustainably and without a huge budget!

Does something about your home feel not quite right?
Your visual surroundings play a huge role in your comfort. But it's not just clutter that’s the problem. It can also be the colours you choose and how it's decorated - or not decorated.
Decorating and designing your home in a calming and meaningful way is how you make a house a home. Choosing colours and textures and finishes and furniture that are simple, natural and sustainable will help you create a home that feels like an oasis from the chaotic world.
Then, adding in meaningful - and functional - layers as you decorate will help you feel inspired and comfortable and ready to take on that world! They make your home feel “finished.
Want to know how to do that simply and on a budget?
Introducing DESIGN SIMPLE!
This small-step course teaches you how to get your home feeling "right" without mistakes, headaches or a designer budget.
You get design and decorating lessons for every aspect of your home - from flooring to paint to arranging furniture to displaying collections.
The course is about designing a simple and sustainable home using what you already have when possible - and making wise choices for a healthy and meaningful home.

You get a step-by-step plan that walks you through all the steps you need - big or small.
You’ll determine your needs, story and style, make a budget, learn how to choose and re-use sustainably, and start with the right backdrop.
You’ll map out better flow and function in your home as the first step before the decorating comes in.
If you’re designing from scratch or renovating your home, you’ll learn how to choose the big things like flooring, paint colours, cabinets and finishes.
Finally, you’ll walk through adding in layers of meaningful and decorative items so that your home is warm, welcoming and happy - but without adding clutter!
breaks down design and decor to make it simple - without all the designer speak and expensive trends and rules you "must follow".
offers budget and environmentally friendly options for decorating - no need to spend tons of money (or any at all)!
gives you workbooks and sheets to simplify design and help you make the right choices before making costly mistakes and headaches.
See what students are saying…
Alaina S.
“I almost felt like you were walking through my house with me giving me suggestions on color and materials and layout. I’m sure I saved a ton of money on things I didn’t need or choices that would have been wrong. This course has been a lifesaver!”
Jamie L.
“I just couldn’t seem to settle into my new home. I repainted but it still didn’t feel right. Instead of making more mistakes, I took your course. It helped me pull everything together so well. I’m so proud of my space now. Thank you so much!”
Tammy L.
“I always thought there was something wrong with me, that I was a failure at this whole housewife thing and couldn’t decorate my way out of a paper bag. You can’t imagine what an impact your class has made on my relationship to my home.“

You deserve a beautiful oasis. Let’s get to it.
Get the DESIGN SIMPLE course today!
One low price: $47 USD
One-time payment.
You’ll get immediate and forever access to the complete online course and all the downloadable worksheets and checklists that come with it.
Hi, I’m Kelly, your design coach.
I’m an interior designer, organizer and eternal simplifier.
I’ve been on a journey to simplify my home and habits so I can live more sustainably and also more contentedly. And guess what - it’s been helping me thrive!
I love to help others refresh and rethink their homes and lifestyles so they feel alive again too!
There are simple and creative and sustainable ways to refresh your space and create an oasis for relaxing, entertaining and living without breaking the bank or the earth.
It’s time to upgrade your home - to something more meaningful, beautiful, inspiring and sustainable.
Sign up to begin DESIGN SIMPLE today!
Just $47 USD!
One-time payment. Lifetime access.